Retail Price 1.011,00€ * *VAT Included in Retail Price 24%
Code: E016125-(Β) Code: E016125 Price for: Pair Part Number: F01U306456
Ceiling speaker 8" premium line ELECTROVOICE
0 Pair.

The PC8.2 (8-inch two-way) is designed to be the most advanced ceiling speaker available today, with superior performance across every detail. Each self-contained unit features a dedicated compression driver for enhanced high-frequency performance and coverage control in comparison to current EVID ceiling speaker offerings. Simplified wiring and innovative new integrated mounting hardware allows for quicker installation into a wide range of ceiling cavities and construction formats. The model adds increased power handling (100 W), higher output (115 dB / 116 dB), and wider coverage angles (120? / 105?) to the user-friendly installation and low-profile looks that contractors expect from EVID products, complimenting the range as a new, high-end option. Ideal for retail spaces, restaurants, theater and stadium concourses, shopping malls, and a wide range of applications where premium-quality distributed audio is required.

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