Ποσότητα | Ημερομηνία Παραλαβής |

The RCM-810 Remote Control Module is an optional module for supervision and remote control of power amplifiers. RCM-810 modules allow the amplifiers to be integrated into a remote control network with up to 100 devices. Up to 250 amplifiers can be used in an IRIS-Net project when multiple networks are used. Apart from the network port, the RCM-810 also offers freely programmable control inputs and control outputs.The RCM-810 modules allows IRIS-Net to configure, control and monitor a complete PA-system from a single or from several PCs. Any operational statuses such as power-on, temperature, activation of protections, deviation of the output impedance, etc., are centrally recorded and displayed, which offers the opportunity to react and correct the problem even before the occurrence of critical operational states. All parameters, such as power-on/off, mute etc. are controlled in real-time and can be stored in any power amplifier. Monitoring the connected loudspeaker systems is performed by continuously measuring output currents and voltages of individual power amplifier channels. Each exceeding or falling short of set thresholds is instantly signaled and logged. In this way,short-circuits or line interruptions, as they might occur during normal operation, are recognized and displayed immediately.Furthermore, the RCM-810 provides a control port with freely programmable control inputs and control outputs. Control inputs (GPI’s) allow the connection of switches. IRIS-Net offers the possibility to program a variety of logic functions for the inputs. Control outputs (GPO’s) allow the connection of external components, which, for example, are used to signal specific states to peripheral equipment. Additionally, the RCM-810 allows access to and configuration of the VLD (Variable Load Drive) feature in the multichannel CPS4.5, CPS4.10 and CPS8.5 amplifiers